Chúa Giê-xu liên tục gây ngạc nhiên và bối rối cho mọi người, từ sự ra đời kỳ diệu của Ngài cho đến khi Ngài sống lại từ phần mộ. Hãy theo dõi cuộc đời của Ngài qua các đoạn trích từ Sách Lu-ca, tất cả các phép lạ, giáo lý và cuộc khổ nạn.

  • 2:07:53

    GIÊ-XU - Video đầy đủ

  • 8:08

    1 Sự bắt đầu

  • 3:42

    2 Chúa Giê-xu giáng sinh

  • 2:15

    3 Thời thơ ấu của Chúa Giê-xu

  • 3:47

    4 Phép rửa của Chúa Giêsu bởi John

  • 2:22

    5 Ma Quỷ Cám Dỗ Chúa Giê-xu

  • 3:07

    6 Chúa Giê-xu công bố sự ứng nghiệm của Kinh thánh

  • 1:02

    7 Ví dụ về người Pha-ri-si và người thu thuế

  • 2:01

    8 Bắt cá kỳ diệu

  • 2:14

    9 Con Gái Giai-ru Sống Lại

  • 3:10

    10 đệ tử được chọn

  • 1:02

    11 Mối phúc

  • 3:38

    12 Thuyết giảng trên núi

  • 0:19

    13 Phúc thay ai nghe và vâng lời

  • 2:56

    14 Người Phụ Nữ Tội Lỗi Được Tha Thứ

  • 0:43

    15 Nữ Đệ Tử

  • 1:56

    16 Giăng Báp-tít trong tù

  • 2:18

    17 Parable of the Sower and the Seed

  • 0:55

    18 Parable of the Lamp

  • 1:58

    19 Jesus Calms the Storm

  • 2:16

    20 Healing of the Demoniac

  • 2:29

    21 Jesus Feeds 5,000

  • 1:23

    22 Peter Declares Jesus to be the Christ

  • 1:45

    23 The Transfiguration

  • 2:15

    24 Jesus Heals Boy from Evil Spirit

  • 0:57

    25 The Lord's Prayer

  • 2:23

    26 Teaching About Prayer and Faith

  • 0:54

    27 Woe to Those Who Cause Others to Sin

  • 0:28

    28 The Kingdom of God as a Mustard Seed

  • 0:29

    29 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners

  • 1:57

    30 Healing on the Sabbath

  • 1:38

    31 Parable of the Good Samaritan

  • 1:44

    32 Healing of Bartimaeus

  • 2:21

    33 Jesus and Zaccheus

  • 0:42

    34 Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection

  • 1:10

    35 Jesus's Triumphal Entry

  • 1:00

    36 Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

  • 1:51

    37 Jesus Drives Out Money Changers

  • 0:45

    38 Widow's Offering

  • 0:59

    39 Annas Questions Jesus's Authority

  • 1:50

    40 Parable of the Vineyard and Tenants

  • 0:58

    41 Paying Taxes to Caesar

  • 2:55

    42 The Last Supper

  • 2:29

    43 Upper Room Teaching

  • 4:22

    44 Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested

  • 2:23

    45 Peter Disowns Jesus

  • 1:58

    46 Jesus is Mocked and Questioned

  • 1:43

    47 Jesus is Brought To Pilate

  • 1:24

    48 Jesus is Brought to Herod

  • 2:56

    49 Jesus is Sentenced

  • 3:34

    50 Jesus Carries His Cross

  • 2:49

    51 Jesus is Crucified

  • 0:56

    52 Soldiers Gamble for Jesus's Clothes

  • 1:06

    53 Sign on the Cross

  • 1:39

    54 Crucified Convicts

  • 1:45

    55 Death of Jesus

  • 2:00

    56 Burial of Jesus

  • 1:28

    57 Angels at the Tomb

  • 1:22

    58 The Tomb Is Empty

  • 1:55

    59 Resurrected Jesus Appears

  • 1:15

    60 Great Commission and Ascension

  • 5:40

    61 Invitation to Know Jesus Personally

Ma-Thi-Ơ 1:1-17
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ
  • Mác
  • Lu-Ca
  • Giăng
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 1:1-17
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 1:18-25
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 2:1-23
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 3:1-17
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 4:1-25
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 5:1-20
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 5:21-48
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 6:1-18
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 6:19-34
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 7:1-29
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 8:1-15
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 8:16-34
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 9:1-17
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 9:18-38
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 10:1-23
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 10:24-42
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 11:1-30
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 12:1-21
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 12:22-50
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 13:1-30
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 13:31-58
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 14:1-36
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 15:1-20
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 15:21-39
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 16:1-28
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 17:1-27
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 18:1-35
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 19:1-30
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 20:1-34
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 21:1-22
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 21:23-46
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 22:1-22
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 22:23-46
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 23:1-12
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 23:13-39
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 24:1-31
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 24:32-51
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 25:1-13
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 25:14-46
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 26:1-35
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 26:36-56
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 26:57-75
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 27:1-34
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 27:35-66
  • Ma-Thi-Ơ 28:1-20
  • Tín dụng
  • Mác 1:1-13
  • Mác 1:14-45
  • Mác 2:1-12
  • Mác 2:13-28
  • Mác 3:1-19
  • Mác 3:20-35
  • Mác 4:1-20
  • Mác 4:21-41
  • Mác 5:1-20
  • Mác 5:21-43
  • Mác 6:1-29
  • Mác 6:30-56
  • Mác 7:1-23
  • Mác 7:24-37
  • Mác 8:1-21
  • Mác 8:22-38
  • Mác 9:1-13
  • Mác 9:14-32
  • Mác 9:33-50
  • Mác 10:1-16
  • Mác 10:17-34
  • Mác 10:35-52
  • Mác 11:1-14
  • Mác 11:15-33
  • Mác 12:1-17
  • Mác 12:18-44
  • Mác 13:1-27
  • Mác 13:28-37
  • Mác 14:1-16
  • Mác 14:17-31
  • Mác 14:32-52
  • Mác 14:53-72
  • Mác 15:1-26
  • Mác 15:27-47
  • Mác 16:1-20
  • Tín dụng
  • Lu-Ca 1:1-25
  • Lu-Ca 1:26-56
  • Lu-Ca 1:57-80
  • Lu-Ca 2:1-24
  • Lu-Ca 2:25-52
  • Lu-Ca 3:1-20
  • Lu-Ca 3:21-38
  • Lu-Ca 4:1-30
  • Lu-Ca 4:31-44
  • Lu-Ca 5:1-16
  • Lu-Ca 5:17-39
  • Lu-Ca 6:1-16
  • Lu-Ca 6:17-36
  • Lu-Ca 6:37-49
  • Lu-Ca 7:1-17
  • Lu-Ca 7:18-35
  • Lu-Ca 7:36-50
  • Lu-Ca 8:1-21
  • Lu-Ca 8:22-39
  • Lu-Ca 8:40-56
  • Lu-Ca 9:1-27
  • Lu-Ca 9:28-45
  • Lu-Ca 9:46-62
  • Lu-Ca 10:1-24
  • Lu-Ca 10:25-42
  • Lu-Ca 11:1-28
  • Lu-Ca 11:29-54
  • Lu-Ca 12:1-21
  • Lu-Ca 12:22-59
  • Lu-Ca 13:1-21
  • Lu-Ca 13:22-35
  • Lu-Ca 14:1-24
  • Lu-Ca 14:25-35
  • Lu-Ca 15:1-32
  • Lu-Ca 16:1-31
  • Lu-Ca 17:1-19
  • Lu-Ca 17:20-37
  • Lu-Ca 18:1-17
  • Lu-Ca 18:18-43
  • Lu-Ca 19:1-27
  • Lu-Ca 19:28-48
  • Lu-Ca 20:1-19
  • Lu-Ca 20:20-47
  • Lu-Ca 21:1-28
  • Lu-Ca 21:29-38
  • Lu-Ca 22:1-13
  • Lu-Ca 22:14-38
  • Lu-Ca 22:39-71
  • Lu-Ca 23:1-25
  • Lu-Ca 23:26-43
  • Lu-Ca 23:44-56
  • Lu-Ca 24:1-27
  • Lu-Ca 24:28-53
  • Tín dụng
  • Giăng 1:1-18
  • Giăng 1:19-51
  • Giăng 2:1-12
  • Giăng 2:13-25
  • Giăng 3:1-21
  • Giăng 3:22-36
  • Giăng 4:1-26
  • Giăng 4:27-54
  • Giăng 5:1-18
  • Giăng 5:19-47
  • Giăng 6:1-24
  • Giăng 6:25-51
  • Giăng 6:52-71
  • Giăng 7:1-24
  • Giăng 7:25-53
  • Giăng 8:1-11
  • Giăng 8:12-36
  • Giăng 8:37-59
  • Giăng 9:1-12
  • Giăng 9:13-41
  • Giăng 10:1-21
  • Giăng 10:22-42
  • Giăng 11:1-16
  • Giăng 11:17-44
  • Giăng 11:45-57
  • Giăng 12:1-36
  • Giăng 12:37-50
  • Giăng 13:1-17
  • Giăng 13:18-38
  • Giăng 14:1-14
  • Giăng 14:15-31
  • Giăng 15:1-27
  • Giăng 16:1-33
  • Giăng 17:1-26
  • Giăng 18:1-18
  • Giăng 18:19-40
  • Giăng 19:1-18
  • Giăng 19:19-42
  • Giăng 20:1-18
  • Giăng 20:19-31
  • Giăng 21:1-25
  • Tín dụng


This compelling film collection portraying Jesus’ tender regard for women, is being met with incredible response around the world--inspiring women everywhere to realize and reclaim the purpose they were always intended know God’s love for them and to make it known to others.

  • 1:01:04

    Magdalena - Video đầy đủ

  • 1:08

    1 Title and Introduction

  • 1:15

    2 Mary Magdalene goes to Rivka's house

  • 2:29

    3 Creation

  • 1:27

    4 Temptation and Fall of Mankind

  • 2:12

    5 Abraham

  • 1:18

    6 Isaiah

  • 1:56

    7 Announcement to Mary

  • 1:16

    8 Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

  • 1:18

    9 Joseph's Response

  • 0:23

    10 Birth of Jesus

  • 1:04

    11 Simeon's Prophecy

  • 0:50

    12 Explanation of Miraculous Birth

  • 1:31

    13 Baptism of Jesus by John

  • 1:36

    14 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures

  • 3:54

    15 Mary Magdalene Freed from Demons

  • 1:15

    16 Rivka's Home, Disciples Chosen and Women Followers

  • 0:52

    17 Rome Took Everything but Jesus Offered Hope

  • 1:09

    18 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son

  • 3:57

    19 Sermon on the Mount

  • 5:54

    20 The Woman at the Well

  • 2:14

    21 Teaching About Prayer and Faith

  • 1:11

    22 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners

  • 3:09

    23 The Woman with the Issue of Blood

  • 1:52

    24 Jairus' Daughter Brought Back to Life

  • 1:39

    25 Jesus Feeds 5,000

  • 1:39

    26 Teaching about Following Him

  • 1:58

    27 Healing on the Sabbath

  • 0:53

    28 Roman and Religious Leaders Upset with Jesus

  • 1:19

    29 Widow's Offering

  • 2:59

    30 The Adulterous Woman Forgiven

  • 0:58

    31 Judas agrees to Betray Jesus

  • 1:59

    32 Jesus Is Betrayed, Arrested

  • 4:29

    33 Jesus on Trial

  • 4:20

    34 Jesus Carries His Cross and Is Crucified

  • 0:47

    35 Mary Recalls Simeon's Words

  • 0:58

    36 The Thief Promised Paradise

  • 1:07

    37 Darkness and Jesus' Death

  • 2:21

    38 Burial of Jesus

  • 1:23

    39 Women at the Tomb, Body Gone

  • 2:37

    40 Magdalena Sees the Resurrected Jesus

  • 2:18

    41 Magdalena Explains Jesus' Death and Resurrection

  • 1:55

    42 Knowing God Personally

  • 3:12

    43 Rivka Believes

  • 1:38

    44 Living the Christian Life

  • 1:22:31

    45 Magdalena - Director's Cut

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